Astrea Recruitment is a company in the Human Resources field Our goal is to find the most appropriate individuals for our business partners nbsp For one of our clients ndash a holding company that operates in diverse sectors ndash we are looking for a Polish, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Czech, Dutch, Portuguese and English nbsp Recruitment and job application in time of coronavirus is not a new book, but everyday life All interviews will be conducted online or by phone for your comfort The hiring process, starting dates and initial trainings with our clients have been tailored according to the official prescriptions and some of them will be conducted online nbsp Essential Duties and Re…

Astrea Recruitment is a company in the Human Resources field Our goal is to find the most appropriate individuals for our business partners nbsp For one of our clients ndash a holding company that operates in diverse sectors ndash we are looking for a Polish, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Czech, Dutch, Portuguese and English nbsp Recruitment and job application in time of coronavirus is not a new book, but everyday life All interviews will be conducted online or by phone for your comfort The hiring process, starting dates and initial trainings with our clients have been tailored according to the official prescriptions and some of them will be conducted online nbsp Essential Duties and Re...
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