Our donors around the world support the world 39 s largest humanitarian organisation focused on hunger and food security, and is the largest provider of school meals Their donations are worth millions of Euros every year This is a 39 warm 39 outbound role where you nbsp will be on-boarding new donors, respond to queries from existing donors and encourage one-off donors to consider making regular contributions You will use your knowledge of this world nbsp famous organisation to explain how it benefits the lives of hundreds of millions of hungry people around the world This is an excellent opportunity to use your excellent communication skills, engaging nbsp personality and flexible approach …

Our donors around the world support the world 39 s largest humanitarian organisation focused on hunger and food security, and is the largest provider of school meals Their donations are worth millions of Euros every year This is a 39 warm 39 outbound role where you nbsp will be on-boarding new donors, respond to queries from existing donors and encourage one-off donors to consider making regular contributions You will use your knowledge of this world nbsp famous organisation to explain how it benefits the lives of hundreds of millions of hungry people around the world This is an excellent opportunity to use your excellent communication skills, engaging nbsp personality and flexible approach ...
Jetzt Bewerben